Mentorship & covenant relationship


Starting a ministry or church can be very challenging. It is required to be anointed, called, and sent by God. But, what do you do when you do not have the where with all to fulfill the call to duty.
Jesus here gives us somewhat of insight on ministry in another dimension.
Luke 10:2 (KJV)

Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.

 Here it is paramount that as a labourer are one who must become proficient and skillful in the craft of ministry. This may take years, everyday will not be the same. Some days may be more challenging than others. You are labourer and true labourer's are few. 

In this Mentorship Course you will be covered, discovered, and recovered with prayer, fasting, Godly Counsel, and disciplined.

men·tor·ship /ˈmen(t)ərˌSHip/ noun

  1. the guidance provided by a mentor, especially an experienced person in a company or educational institution."a period of time during which a person receives guidance from a mentor.

What’s included

Monthly Inspirational Counseling Sessions

$100.00 Per Month

Mentorship 1 Ministry

Monthly Inspirational Counseling Session and Inspirational Guidance for ministry. Basic guidance on starting an independent or Apostolic Life Church (ALC) church/ministry.


Mentorship 2 Outreach

Monthly Inspirational Counseling Session and Inspirational Guidance for ministry. Basic guidance on starting an independent or Apostolic Life Church (ALC) church/ministry. Techniques on Outreach Ministry in your local community. 


Mentorship 3 Church Planting

Monthly Inspirational Counseling Session and Inspirational Guidance for ministry. Basic guidance on starting an independent or Apostolic Life Church (ALC) church/ministry. Techniques on Outreach Ministry in your local community. Church Vision, Mission, and Credentials.

$4,500.00 Complete/Package
